Make sure your baby sits while they’re eating – this can help to prevent choking. Feed your baby healthy food: your baby probably enjoys finger food, which is also good for developing their fine motor skills.Making your home safe can help your baby move about without getting hurt. This is important for more complex movements like pulling to stand and walking. Encourage moving: moving and exploring help your baby build muscle strength.Read with your baby: you can encourage your baby’s talking and imagination by reading together, telling stories, singing songs and reciting nursery rhymes.Playing with you helps your baby feel loved and secure. Paints are also fun – but be prepared for some mess! Or try playing outdoors. Play together: give your child toys that encourage imagination and creativity, like blocks and cardboard boxes.This encourages conversation and builds your baby’s communication skills. Respond to ‘dada’, ‘mama’ and other words: give meaning to your baby’s talking by listening and talking back.Talk to your baby: your baby is interested in conversation, so talking about everyday things like what you’re doing helps your baby understand what words mean.Here are a few simple things you can do to help your baby’s development at this age: It doesn’t take long for a baby to unexpectedly move towards or reach for something that puts them in danger. You’ll be surprised at how far your baby can move, so always watch your baby and never leave them unattended on a change table, sofa or bed. start to link words with their meanings – for example, when you say ‘ball’ or ‘teddy’, your baby might look around for these things.follow instructions like ‘Give me the block’ or ‘Put the train down’.cooperate more when they’re getting dressed.Walking is tiring for your baby, though, so sometimes they might crawl instead. Around now, your baby might take their first steps on their own or could even be walking independently. Your baby might pull themselves up to stand by holding onto furniture, or they might even stand well by themselves. Your baby is getting better at using their hands and fingers and will probably be feeding themselves with their fingers at most meals. Your baby also enjoys playing with you and might start showing you things they’re playing with – for example, a toy or doll. Your baby might look at, shake, bang, throw, drop and poke different objects. Play is important, because it’s how your baby learns. Your baby might also be more aware of their own needs and can let you know what they want.

Over the past few months your baby has learned to show emotions like caution and fear. Your baby’s babbling sounds more like a conversation, and they might say 1-2 single words they understand, like ‘dada’ and ‘mama’. Your baby is now communicating in many ways – pointing, grunting, nodding, waving and often trying to talk to you too. Your baby will soon be 12 months old! It’s amazing how much your baby has developed in the last year. Baby development at 11-12 months: what’s happening